Helping organizations arrive at their goals

We work together to prepare for your journey and to achieve your goals.
- We begin by identifying the destination – Where do you want to arrive and when?
- We support the planning for the journey – What resources and knowledge do we need and how can we gather them?
- We accompany you along the journey, welcoming new opportunities and adjusting to new challenges as they occur.
- We bring in the wisdom of the group and facilitate dialogue to reach collaborative solutions. As individuals and as a group, we learn and grow.
- Finally, we reach our destination safely and we are where we want to be. We feel joy and peace: we have made it; we have arrived together.

Our Services

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Self-determination and cultural resurgence
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Professional Coaching
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What Our
Clients Say

“Rachel and Arrive Consulting have been a huge help to our organization for a number of different projects – everything from facilitating organization-wide business planning to developing plans and processes that have increased FPCC’s capacity to communicate its organizational vision. Arrive’s work is consistently high-quality and the team takes a client-centered approach, providing flexibility and responsiveness through all aspects of the project. We feel confident working with Arrive, as we know our projects will be done well and completed on time!”
Tracey Herbert, CEO, First Peoples’ Cultural Council
“Arrive Consulting developed a critical piece of curriculum for our Reconciliation Learning Project, which seeks to provide Indigenous-led cultural safety training to staff and volunteers or urban indigenous service providers. Arrive went above and beyond to meet the unique needs of our community. They were a pleasure to work with and their high level of knowledge about curriculum development and Indigenous cultural safety resulted in a powerful cultural resource.”
Tanya Clarmont, Director of Management Services, Victoria Native Friendship Centre
“The Called to Action team helped guide the Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria in our Indigenous Journey Project, which involved creating a five-year reconciliation action plan and providing training to all our staff. The process was very inclusive, and the team really set the tone for learning together collaboratively. As a result, our staff are better prepared to educate newcomers about colonization and contribute within our organization to advance reconciliation and relationships with indigenous peoples. We are grateful for the support, encouragement, and expertise of The Called to Action Team.”
Jean McRae, CEO, Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria