Arrive Consulting

Learning Programs

Learner-Centered | Participatory and Empowering |Holistic | Transformative

This is for you if:

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When you work with us, you will gain:

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Learning Development

Arrive Consulting specializes in creating customized learning products that are engaging, experiential, and centred on the needs of learners. We have created dozens of resources using a structured educational process that brings clients through the stages of needs analysis, design of the learning program, development of learning resources, implementation (delivery) of learning, and evaluation of the learning impacts. These learning processes are designed to be personally and organizationally transformative.

Curriculum Development Skills

If you are looking to develop your own learning program, we can provide mentorship and advising to guide you through the process. We share our proven model and walk you through the steps so you can learn the skills of curriculum development and build your organization’s capacity to create a wide variety of learning resources.

Learning Delivery

We offer learning programs in the areas of reconciliation, decolonization, and strategic leadership and visioning. These learning programs are designed to create value for a variety of organizations and can also be tailored to meet your specific needs.

“Arrive Consulting designed the Community Learning Program, which provides Indigenous-led reconciliation training to community members, as well as the Indigenous Safety in Healthcare Program, which provides cultural safety training to healthcare workers. Arrive went above and beyond to meet the unique needs of our community. They were a pleasure to work with and their high level of knowledge about curriculum development and Indigenous cultural safety resulted in a powerful cultural resource.”

Tanya Clarmont, Director of Management Services, Victoria Native Friendship Center